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Future Georgia Educators


Students at a virtual reality workshop during a Future Georgia Educators (FGE) Day

What is FGE?

Future Georgia Educators is a co-curricular or extracurricular program designed to provide middle and high school students with the opportunity to explore careers in education.  Many adults recall Future Teachers of America (FTA) clubs in high schools when they were students.  FGE is a version of the same idea, only customized to Georgia.

Who sponsors FGE?

FGE is sponsored by the Professional Association of Georgia Educators (PAGE), the state’s largest professional organization for educators.  The state FGE office manages the network of FGE chapters, offers support to advisors through trainings and communications, hosts events around the state, and fields questions from advisors and anyone interested in learning more about FGE.

Why start an FGE chapter?

It’s no secret that our nation–including Georgia–is experiencing a teacher shortage.  A large percentage of Georgia’s teaching workforce is at or nearing retirement age, and additional factors in the rising demand for teachers are increases in student enrollment and the loss of large numbers of novice teachers. Furthermore, according to a report by NPR (, for nearly a decade, fewer people have been going to school to become teachers.  Clearly, our state needs to increase the number of capable, caring teachers available to Georgia’s classrooms.  FGE chapters serve not only to encourage young people into the noble profession of teaching, they also begin to prepare them for the realities of the classroom.  As we like to say, FGE gives students a chance to explore teaching “from the other side of the desk.”

Is FGE an approved CTSO in Georgia?

While FGE is a student organization that supports the Education and Training pathways in the state, it is not approved as a CTSO for the Education pathways (ECE and TAP). A number of schools nevertheless choose to affiliate their education pathway classes with FGE because of the specific focus on education. FGE is an opportunity for those students interested in teaching to be connected to a larger network of students with similar interests and goals.  It also serves as an opportunity for those students who might not yet be eligible to enroll in an education course (e.g., freshmen and sophomores), who don’t have room in their schedules for the education elective, or who may not be sure enough that they are interested in teaching to commit to a course. FGE is a broader opportunity for more students and can serve as a feeder program to the education pathway.

Can we establish an FGE chapter if our school doesn’t offer any education pathway courses?

Absolutely! FGE works as a co-curricular or extra-curricular program.

Who can be an FGE Chapter Advisor?

Selecting the best possible chapter advisor is critical to the success of the chapter.  It is recommended that this person be a faculty member who is enthusiastic about the profession, a positive role model, and an exemplary leader.  The chapter advisor is not required to be a member of PAGE or any particular professional association.

How much does it cost to have an FGE chapter?

State affiliation is available through PAGE and is “chapter-based,” meaning each chapter pays only $30 per year. Among other benefits, state affiliation makes your chapter eligible for discounted registration prices at state events. To affiliate your chapter, click “Chapter Affiliation” in the menu at the left of this page.

How will I know what to do with a new FGE chapter?

The FGE Starter Guide is filled with suggestions and step-by-step guidance to developing a yearly action plan.  Additional suggestions are offered on this FGE website.  Explore the options on the left of this page.

Okay, I’m ready to get started.  What do I do first?

From the navigation menu on the left, select “How to Start an FGE Chapter.”

If you have additional questions, contact the state FGE state director:

Mary Ruth Ray


Direct line/cell: 912-237-1899

Click here to email

Professional Association of Georgia Educators logo


2971 Flowers Road S

Suite 151

Atlanta, GA 30341





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