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Future Georgia Educators

Suggested Activities by Month

Students at a virtual reality workshop during a Future Georgia Educators (FGE) Day

These suggestions are provided as a sampling of the many projects that your chapter may choose to undertake. It is not meant to be a comprehensive list, and you are encouraged to be creative in developing activities that suit your membership.

One of the things that contribute to the success of a chapter is the excitement that is generated about the various activities. You are encouraged to appoint a standing Publicity Committee to promote the chapter’s activities through school communication channels, social media and local media. Support from civic and education leaders can be of great value to a thriving organization.

  • Membership drive (posters, article in school newspaper, FGE Bulletin board)

  • Plan fundraisers to raise money to attend conferences at state and national level

  • Make specific plans to attend an FGE Day on the college campus of your choice

  • Homecoming activities (float, fundraiser)

  • Plan activities for American Education week in November (always the week prior to the week of Thanksgiving)

  • Plan community project for Thanksgiving (e.g., food/blanket/coat drive for local shelter)

  • National Education Week activities (appreciation for teachers, teacher shadowing day, special promotions of education)

  • Community project for Thanksgiving

  • Plan community project for Holiday season (e.g., toy drive, adopt-a-family)

  • Plan Christmas party for club, parents, teachers

  • Volunteer to help elementary teachers with Christmas/Holiday parties

  • Community project for Holiday season

  • Christmas/Holiday party

  • Volunteer to help in elementary grades (tutoring, reading, puppet show, etc.). Continue for several months.

  • Winter encouragement for teachers

  • Carnation sale for Valentine’s Day

  • “We Love Teaching” publicity campaign (school newspaper, posters, etc.)

  • Plan to visit/tour a college of education during April

  • St. Patrick’s Day fun surprise for teachers (“Irish” nametags, candy kisses)

  • Visit college campus

  • Plan activities for Teacher Appreciation Week (1st full week in May) and National Teacher Day (Tuesday during Teacher Appreciation Week)

  • Elect officers & standing committee chairman for next school year

  • Teacher Appreciation Week/National Teacher Day activities

  • FGE club awards banquet and new officer installation ceremony

  • End-of-year social

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2971 Flowers Road S

Suite 151

Atlanta, GA 30341





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