Payment Options
Payroll Deduction (most popular)
PAGE will work with your school system to have your membership fees deducted from your paycheck. The number of installments is set by the central office of your system, but most school systems deduct fees monthly. When you join by payroll deduction, your membership is automatically renewed each year as long as you stay with that school system (unless you notify us in writing that you would like to cancel).
If you move to a new system, it is important that you contact us to transfer your payroll deduction to the new system in order to prevent a lapse in coverage.
Monthly Payments by Credit Card
PAGE will charge your credit card in monthly installments. The monthly payment for each of our membership types is listed below.
Professional: $14.58
1st-Year Professional: $7.29
Support Personnel: $7.29
1st-Year Support Personnel: $3.6
Full Payment by Credit Card
PAGE will charge your credit card for the full amount of your membership. Amounts are:
Professional: $175
1st-Year Professional: $87.50
Support Personnel: $87.50
1st-Year Support Personnel: $43.75
If you would like to pay by check, simply print this membership application and mail it with your check made payable to PAGE. Your coverage will begin when your application and payment are received in our office.