We've Got You Covered

Unmatched Legal + Liability Protection (Legal + Liability Details)
Free access to PAGE Attorneys
Liability coverage to protect your financial well-being.
Employment, certification and work-related criminal defense protects your career — with no upfront costs!*
Your Strongest Legislative Voice
Georgia’s most-listened-to education lobbying team ensures that lawmakers hear your concerns
Year-round work to improve the salaries, benefits, and working conditions of all Georgia public school educators
Continual high-level reports from the Capitol to keep educators informed on key issues in real time
A leading advocate for Georgia K-12 students to promote a quality education for all
We Grow Georgia’s Best Educators
High-level coaching and professional development spanning your career as a teacher leader / principal / superintendent
Statewide network of Georgia leading and rising stars in public education
Leader of Community Conversations — game-changing collaboration among educators, citizens and businesses to transform education at local levels
PAGE One magazine: Georgia’s premier journal for educators
PAGE New Teacher Guide: Our annual in-depth publication for Georgia’s newest educators
Preparing teacher candidates from high school through college (FGE, Student PAGE, Scholarships)
Academic Rigor + Recognition
Georgia’s highest academic honors bestowed via the selection and recognition of PAGE STAR Students and Teachers
Leading academic competitions for Georgia students (PAGE Georgia Academic Decathlon and PAGE Academic Bowl for Middle Grades)
The PAGE Foundation attracts major donations in support of education (scholarships, teacher development, academic competitions, recognition)
*Coverage is limited to activities performed in a professional capacity, i.e., those duties required as a school or district employee.